Here at Stratford Hall we
have two little bantum breed hens (sadly we lost one this spring to old age). They are Golden Sebright Bantams. Their
plumage is quite lovely. The feathers are a deep copper color. Each feather is
outlined in dark black, called “lacing”. Their legs are grey-blue.
This breed generally has gentle nature and are curious of their
surroundings. They are very popular among poultry enthusiasts because of
these traits.They are easy to keep but can be quite a difficult to breed
because they were not designed for meat or egg production.

When you come to visit Stratford Hall keep an
eye out for these tiny little chickens. They are very friendly. They may even
greet you with your guide at the Southwest Outbuilding at the beginning of your
- Mary, Historic Interpreter
- Mary, Historic Interpreter
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